Behavioural Economics

2240 keer bekeken

Vaak gedragen mensen zich anders dan door de theorie wordt voorspeld. In deze cursus behandelen we de volgende probleemstelling: Wanneer is de micro-economische theorie van toepassing en wanneer verliest deze haar voorspellende kracht?

Meer informatie opleiding

Naam leeractivieit

Behavioural Economics



Studenten met een achtergrond in micro-economie.


Korte omschrijving

"The traditional model of the homo economicus is ubiquitous in microeconomic theory. Economic agents are assumed to be rational utility maximisers with self-regarding preferences and unlimited processing capacities. Common sense and the results of economic experiments show that this is not always the case. Often people behave differently than predicted by theory. In this course, we will deal with the following problem statements: When does microeconomic theory apply and when does it lose its predictive power? If it does not apply, what concepts and models can be use to either extend or to substitute the current theory in order to describe human behaviour?"



Maastricht Universiteit



6,5 EC


Master / WO


Kosten bij open inschrijving



Incompany mogelijk







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